Saturday, July 2, 2011

Accent Chest Hunt...

Hey all...
How is the weekend going on??...
Well we have a longgg weekend here in USA, as July 4th is the Independence Day here. 
Well coming back to the post, recently we were thinking a lot of having an accent chest for our living room. But haven't yet come up with something final. Still looking for good design, utility storage, should go with our dark chocolate colored sectional and of course the big word it should be 'in budget'. I saw some, so thought of sharing and having your feedback for options.
Have a look!    

So let me know about your choices and also some ideas
 and of course any other brand/place to get this from.
Take Care, enjoy your weekend!


  1. wow interesting designs...very nice blog i discovered today...leads me as follower now..

  2. I like the 'Pier 1' and 'Crate and Barrel' stuff!!
    Waiting to see what you guys bought.


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